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put your positive pants on

its okay to have a bad day

Sometimes it’s okay to not feel your best, to feel alone, sad, anger, anxious , it’s okay to have a bad day!! 

We’re in a time where social media is our biggest stage and we are the biggest performers ...we put on a show for our audience posting our best lifestyles, fashion, selfies etc ....but yet why is everyone so afraid of posting about real life.

 Let me tell you this I class myself as a strong person and to my disadvantage I don’t show my emotions often but when I do Boy do I get hit hard and you know what it’s okay, I don’t sit and beat myself up about it, I'm not ashamed to tell people I deal with anxiety issues, I’m not afraid of coming across as a sensitive person.
I decided to open up and speak openly about my anxiety because people are always so quick to judge , my success, my smile, my bubbly sense of humour would of course only make people see one side of me , the side that was being posted on social media. 
Yes most days are great but there’s always days when things are not . 
And when those days creep upon me without any flashing warning signs, I allow myself time, the time to be gentle and care for myself. During times of feeling down I allow this time to ask myself a few simple questions that help
Me understand and process my feelings better, by sharing this I hope that it will help you in someway! 

1. what has led me to this place of not feeling myself ? Maybe it’s a broken relationship, loss of friendship, maybe it’s a toxic environment like a job, maybe it’s a past issue that resurfaced out of the blue...find your trigger and ask yourself what led you to this place of feeling this way ? Write it down let your feelings flow out on paper and release your emotions. Nobody needs to ever see what you write you can burn it as soon as your done writing it but trust me there is a healing benefit to writing it all down . 

2. What lessons is this trying to teach me ? There is a lesson in everything, I always find myself asking this question and it’s important for you to find the answer, if not straight away then hopefully you will find it be able to take a negative emotion and twist your train of thought to asking this question and finding an answer is allowing you to look at the situation in a slightly more positive way. You know that saying “forgive and forget... “ simple but good, your probably reading this now saying Megan are you crazy why would I ever forgive those who hurt me, okay I’m not saying go be besties with them but when you forgive you are allowing yourself to heal by releasing all that resentment, anger, hurt. Ever watch a bird being released from a cage well your that bird and the cage is all the hurt, when the bird lets go and flies out of the cage full of colours & singing loudly it is a beautiful sight to witness. Don’t stay in the cage, learn from your lessons and allow yourself to be free .

3. Do you ever Cut yourself some slack or do you just feel guilty? If you answered yes then Stop right there. It’s okay to cut your some slack. Eat your favourite chocolate, get your nails/hair done , have a movie marathon day on the sofa or listen to your favourite songs & have a relaxing bath!! Because when life comes to knock us down it’s important to make self care a priority.

4. Be your own cheerleader, it’s probably one of the things we find most hardest to do! But kicking yourself when your down is only going to bring you lower. It’s important to remember that yes although people & events may be the cause to you feeling all these emotions but it is you that holds the power to change it. For example: if someone brings you down, causes you hurt & anger, they only have the power to destroy you if you let them. This is where all the above questions will come into play. If you could answer question 1 & 2 and turned your negative into a positive, if you allowed yourself some self care from question 3 then the next step is loving yourself!! Its time to cheer for your your new favourite team me,myself & I, Grab your lipstick and write on a mirror in your bedroom/bathroom the words “I am beautiful and I am enough” , although you may not believe it now, trust me as time goes on and you read these words everyday your mind and that voice in our head we call ego will begin to feel empowered and you will begin to believe it. 

So next time your feeling not okay and not yourself, I hope you remember ways that this can be dealt. 
You are beautiful and you are enough, 
Because you are a warrior , determined & tough.

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